
Conveniently located to serve Memphis, TN, Olive Branch, MS, & Little Rock, AR

Our Body Procedures

Welcome to Williams Surgical Arts, your premier destination for transformative plastic surgery and body procedures in Memphis.
Our dedicated team of expert surgeons is committed to helping you achieve the body contours you desire through a range of specialized procedures.

Beautiful woman with perfect body

Say goodbye to sagging skin and hello to sculpted arms with our Arm Lift procedure.
Our surgeons employ advanced techniques to tighten, tone, and restore a youthful appearance.

Enhance your curves and achieve a shapelier silhouette with our Brazilian Butt Lift.
Using your body’s own natural resources, we sculpt and contour to create beautiful, natural-looking results.

Target stubborn fat deposits and refine your body’s shape with Liposuction.
Our precision techniques ensure a smoother, more sculpted physique, tailored to your individual goals.

Reclaim your pre-pregnancy body with our Mommy Makeover. This comprehensive package addresses multiple areas affected by pregnancy, including the breasts, abdomen, and more.

Achieve a flat, toned abdomen with our Tummy Tuck procedures. Whether post-pregnancy or
after significant weight loss, our surgeons customize the approach to meet your specific needs.

Can You Combine Body Procedures?

Yes, at Williams Surgical Arts, we offer the flexibility to combine various body procedures, tailoring your transformation to address multiple areas comprehensively. This personalized approach allows you to achieve your aesthetic goals efficiently. For example, combining a Tummy Tuck with Liposuction can sculpt and refine your midsection, while Breast Augmentation and Thigh Lift procedures can be strategically paired for an overall harmonious outcome. Our experienced surgeons guide you through the possibilities, creating a customized plan that aligns with your unique vision. Combining procedures not only streamlines the process but also enhances the overall impact, delivering a transformative result that reflects your desired aesthetic.

What Anesthesia Is Used in Body Procedures?

During body procedures at Williams Surgical Arts, general anesthesia is commonly used. This ensures that you will be unconscious and completely unaware during the surgical process, guaranteeing a pain-free and comfortable experience. Our dedicated team, including experienced anesthesiologists, carefully monitors your vital signs throughout the procedure to ensure your safety and well-being. We prioritize your comfort and strive to create a stress-free environment, allowing you to undergo your chosen procedures with confidence and
peace of mind.

Body Procedure Recovery and Aftercare

Following your body procedures, a crucial phase begins—the recovery and aftercare period. For the initial 5-7 days, patients are advised to refrain from strenuous activities to facilitate optimal healing. Strict adherence to aftercare instructions during this period is crucial for achieving the best results. 

To manage pain and reduce swelling, prescribed medications will be provided. Our team ensures that you are well-informed about post-operative care, addressing any concerns you may have. Regular follow-up appointments allow us to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments, ensuring your satisfaction with both the process and the final outcome. 

 At Williams Surgical Arts, our commitment to your well-being extends beyond the operating room, guiding you through a smooth and comfortable recovery journey.

Why Choose Williams Surgical Arts?


At Williams Surgical Arts, we blend artistry and expertise to deliver unparalleled results. Our surgeons prioritize your safety, comfort, and satisfaction throughout every step of your journey. With a commitment to innovation and personalized care, we stand as leaders in the field of body contouring and plastic surgery in Memphis.

Schedule Your Consultation


Ready to embark on your transformational journey? Schedule your consultation today to explore the possibilities and discuss your personalized body procedures with our experienced team. Discover the improvement that comes from achieving the body contours you’ve always dreamed of with Williams Surgical Arts.