Mommy Makeovers and Self-Care: Prioritizing Your Well-Being


If you’re a mom, we don’t have to tell you that the body undergoes significant changes during pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing. Breast and abdominal area skin frequently have trouble returning to their pre-motherhood tightness, among other bodily transformations.

It’s certainly been worth it to have that little miracle (or miracles!), and you’ve probably been putting all your time and attention into your child’s (or children’s) happiness. But that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a little TLC yourself! If you’ve been thinking about a “return to form,” a mommy makeover could be your best choice.

Mommy Makeovers at Williams Surgical Arts and Esthetics

Here to help is Micheal A. Williams, MD, a compassionate plastic surgeon and anatomical expert in restoring and rejuvenating his patients’ features. The term “mommy makeover” refers to any combination of surgical procedures performed on mothers who are done having children and want to get back to their pre-pregnancy contours.

A mommy makeover is not one particular set of protocols, but does tend to focus on the following areas:


Many women are no longer happy with their breasts’ size and/or shape after childbirth and nursing. For example, some women may opt for a breast lift, while others are more concerned with size. Or you might want to do both.

That’s why breast lifts are often (but not always) coupled with breast reductions, where Dr. Williams can also remove tissue to shrink the chest’s size. On the other hand, you may actually prefer a breast augmentation to increase their size.


It makes perfect sense that your tummy wouldn’t be as slim and toned after growing a child, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept your stomach area’s current shape as your new reality. Consider a tummy tuck to remove excess skin and retighten the abdominal muscles.

In addition, we could also decide on liposuction to remove that small amount of fat that just isn’t coming off, no matter how hard you try. Beyond the abdominal region, liposuction can also be used on the:

  • Flanks
  • Thighs
  • Back



With a Brazilian butt lift (BBL), we can lift and enhance the buttocks by transferring that same fat tissue we just removed from one of the above areas with liposuction. The fat is purified and then strategically injected where desired.

Alternatively, if a smaller backside is what you’re after, liposuction can be used to decrease fat tissue volume here as well.

Start Planning Your Mommy Makeover

Dr. Micheal A. Williams firmly believes in enhancing the already beautiful you and has the expertise and advanced training required to help mothers do just that with a mommy makeover. During your consultation, he can determine which procedures you qualify for based on your current symptoms and medical history.

From there, you get to choose what your mommy makeover will look like. If you’re ready to get started, contact Williams Surgical Arts and Esthetics in Memphis today to schedule your initial consultation.